A variety of groups meet regularly. These groups provide the opportunity to share information and encouragement in living effectively with a chronic condition.
Arthritis ACT Support Groups
Steady As She Goes Chat Group – for people with Post Exertional Malaise (PEM).
Lounging Lizards – for 17-40 yr olds experiencing ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia or ongoing fatiguing condition via Zoom.
ME/CFS Fibromyalgia Chat Group via Zoom.
Cafe Catch Ups – for people with ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Long Covid and persistent pain.
Arthritis ACT Facebook Groups
Canberra JIA Support Group – for families with a child living with juvenile arthritis.
Hypermobile ACT – for anyone living with hypermobility disorders and their families.
Young Womens Autoimmune Support Group – for women living with inflammatory arthritis, autoimmune and or chronic pain conditions.
ME/CFS – for anyone living with ME/CFS.
Arthritis ACT Provides trained volunteers of different ages and backgrounds that live with some form of Arthritis and other longer-term health conditions. Over one or several meetings a Peer Mentor might assist with personal understanding, listening and feedback; helping you make plans for your well being; providing information; and suggesting possible helpful resources and services. This is a free service over seen by experienced health professionals.
For further information or to join on any of the support groups contact us via:
email: info@arthritisact.org.au or Ph: 1800 011 041